Friday, April 9, 2010

Candy Conest!

Hey guys i am having a Candy contest! Who can think of the most craziest Candy ever and send it to me at has a chance to win! The rules are:
-you have to be under 15
-nothing inappropriate
Thanks! You have to enter by June,1, 2010!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Poem Conest Winner!

Okay Okay Okay. I know it has been waiting so long for me to tell the winner. It Was very hard to choose but this is the one I picked

The Aero
Long ago there lived an old man
He was lonely
So one moonlit evening
He pulled out his pan
Gently, he heated chocolate until it melted
The aroma lifted off, filling the house
He carefully poured the chocolate into a case
Once the chocolate had frozen into a bar,
The old man carefully poked holes into the slab
The touch was soft, but firm
He lifted it up to his mouth,
And took a gracious bite
'What wonderful taste', He thought to himself
Just then, a woman walked past his cottage window
It was Christmas Eve! What was she doing tramping through the snow with her two barely clothed children?
He could tell they had no place to go
Nowhere amidst this cold white snow
So he gave her the chocolate
More than one bite
And then he was no longer lonely
As that sight brought him delight
~By KitkatLover Age 12

Kitkatlover get to write 1 ARTICLE for the blog, just send it to me!


Sunday, January 3, 2010


Sorry,Guys! That I haven't been posting anything for the Holiday! Well I hop everyone had a good Christmas and New year!!! Well I was very busy, and Too Bad school is starting! I am going somewhere this Week So I will not be posting anything! If you have any concerns just leave a Comment. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Yours Truly,

Friday, December 11, 2009


Yummy, COOKIES! Do you know Who made the Chocolate Chip Cookies? Well, Ruth Wakefield Invented These sweet cookies. Now I think you are Wondering How These cookies were "Invented" well Wait and see.

You see, Ruth owned a Inn.
She prepared the recipes for the meals served to the guests at the Inn and gained local notoriety (NOT-ORIE-TY) for her deserts.One of her favorite recipes was for Butter Drop Do cookies. The recipe called for the use of baker's chocolate and one day Ruth found herself without the needed ingredient. She substituted a semi-sweet chocolate bar cut up into bits. However, unlike the baker's chocolate the chopped up chocolate bar did not melt completely, the small pieces only softened.As it so happened the chocolate bar had been a gift from Andrew Nestle of the Nestle Chocolate Company. As the Inn's chocolate chip cookie recipe became popular, sales of Nestle's semi-sweet chocolate bar increased. Andrew Nestle and Ruth Wakefield struck a deal. Nestle would print the Inn's Cookie recipe on its packaging and Ruth Wakefield would have a lifetime supply of Nestle chocolate.

WOW I really didn't know that well thanks for listening! Comment on your favorite treat and next week might be your candy!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Poem contest!

Time to get your mind to work! I am having a poem contest, and there will be two winners! This is what your need to do!

~Write a Poem about any sweet you want
~Give it a title and leave a fake name and your age
~Send it to hannahoegema@gmail.
Nothing inappropriate
~ You win to get your poem posted on this blog and you can write ONE Article for this blog
~Deadline is January 30

I can not wait to see all your poems!!

A Quick Gift for the Holidays!

Christmas is coming very soon! And if you do not have a present for your friend, here is a quick little gift that is very easy to make! Just takes 3 steps!

What you will need:
-Gumdrops (Recommend)
-Frosting (White recommend)
- A Plate
- Foam tree form (can buy at craft stores)

What to do:
1) Take your plate and put a dab of Frosting, and put the Foam tree form on top.

2) Stick the foam tree form down so it sticks, when it is drying put Frosting all over it.

3) Then take your Gumdrops, and stick them all over the Frosting so you can not see it any more!

THERE YOU GO!!! A Gumdrop tree!
Comment on the post on your favorite treat and maybe next week will be yours!

Friday, November 27, 2009

How to make ice cream!

Yummy, Ice cream the Delicious Cold treat that every one enjoys! Well today I am going to give you a recipe so you do not have to run down to the store EVERY single time you want ice cream!

What you need:
rock salt
About two quarts of ice
1/2 cup of milk
1 tablespoon of sugar
1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract, chocolate syrup, or cocoa powder

What you do:
Mix sugar, milk or half & half, and flavoring in a bowl, then seal it in a quart-sized plastic bag.Take roughly two quarts of ice and place it into the gallon-sized bag with rock salt. Ideally, the gallon bag will be roughly half full with the ice and salt mixture.Place the sealed quart-sized bag with the ingredients into the gallon-sized bag. Make sure the bags stay sealed! Do not allow the contents to mix at any time. If the bags don't seal sufficiently, use duct tape to seal the top of both bags to ensure they don't open during shaking.Gently agitate, massage, and shake the bags for about ten to fifteen minutes. In this amount of time the contents of the quart (smaller) bag should start to turn into solid ice cream.As you agitate the two bags, it is important that you are mixing the contents of the inner bag, but you don’t want to be so aggressive that you burst the inner bag or cut it on the ice (double-bagging should prevent this).If your hands get uncomfortably cold, use a towel or an old t-shirt to hold the bags as you massage them; they will be quite cold and might become slippery with accumulated condensation. Consider using gloves or massaging while holding onto the top seal if a towel or similar cloth is not available.

Then once you are done enjoy!!!

There you go how to make ice cream!